Thank you for sharing your information with us. Based on your answers, it appears that you would likely not be eligible to be a living kidney donor at this time. Please consider completing the self-assessment at a future date or contact Living Donation California at 866-455-3971 and we will be happy to answer any questions you may have regarding this preliminary assessment.
While you may not be able to be a living donor, anyone can register as an organ, eye and tissue donor with Donate Life California to save and heal lives after death.
We also encourage you to explore blood donation and becoming a bone marrow donor.
If you’d like to receive news and event information about Living Donation California and Donate Life California, sign up for our monthly eNewsletter here.
If you’d like to volunteer for Donate Life California as a Donate Life Ambassador, sign up using our online form here.
Thank you for being inspired to help others. We salute your giving nature and thank you for the difference you make in your community.